Signed in as:
By voluntarily participating in, consenting to meet with, consulted by, have energy work done, property/house cleansing/clearing, or be instructed by Tracy Gohrick
I agree that:
I am at least 18 years of age or have obtained permission from my legal guardian.
I will pay the fees for any work done by Tracy Gohrick in advance.
All sessions/work must be paid in advance.
All the services are speculative in nature and Tracy Gohrick does not guarantee that the results of our work will be satisfactory to the client.
I understand that Tracy Gohrick, is not professional, board-certified counselors, nor offer any counseling services.
I also acknowledge that some or all of the procedures used in these consultations, energy sessions, house/property cleansings or other services offered are for demonstrative purposes or energy work, and not to be classified as mental health counseling.
I also understand that Tracy Gohrick is expressing her beliefs or belief systems and sharing her experiences, perceptions and/or interpretations, and I will not hold either liable for their own beliefs, for I am free to believe what I choose to believe.
I release Tracy Gohrick from any liability and hold harmless from anything that I may perceive as connected to these readings/ classes/ courses/study/groups/energy work or other services offered (including, but not limited to exercises or experiences from readings/classes/courses/study/energy work/ or property/house cleansings), or anything else before, during or after the classes/courses, groups, meetings, readings, consultations or other services offered. I am solely responsible for any mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or psychological issues that may arise, or that I, or others, may perceive to arise; perceived, imaginary, or real.
I understand that Tracy Gohrick recommends seeing a Doctor for any medical concerns and a certified, qualified therapist or counselor for emotional distresses or concerns.
Disclaimer and Release of Liability for Energy/Energy Healing Services
By making an appointment Tracy Gohrick, and/or accepting an energy session I am agreeing that:
I understand that Tracy Gohrick is a non-therapeutic and non-medical complementary and alternative health care practitioner and is not licensed by the state of New Mexico. There is currently no license available for the services provided. All services and treatments provided are complementary or alternative to health care services provided by health care practitioners currently licensed by the state of New Mexico. All services are speculative in nature and we do not guarantee that the results of our work will be satisfactory to the client.
I also understand that Tracy Gohrick is an Energy Healer Spiritual Mentor
I will pay all fees in advance for services.
I am at least 18 years of age or have obtained permission from my legal guardian.
I understand that Reiki and other energy work/sessions are simple, gentle, hands-on or distant energy techniques that is used for stress reduction and relaxation and that personal experiences with all energy work varies from client to client. I also understand that Reiki and other energy work practitioners do not diagnose conditions or claim to cure specific illnesses. They neither prescribe substances or perform medical treatment, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.
I also understand that it is recommended that I see a licensed medical professional or licensed health care professional for any mental/psychological or physical ailment I, or those in my care, have.
By accepting a Reiki or other energy work session, I am agreeing that I will not hold Tracy Gohrick liable and that I am solely responsible for any physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and/or psychological issues that may arise, or that I, or anyone else, may perceive to arise – imaginary, or real.
Energy work practitioners reserve the right to:
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